Main Street Calico Rock

Main Street Calico Rock is an accredited, network program of Main Street Arkansas and Main Street America. Our Main Street business and property owners have worked with other members of our community to adopt our bylaws, set up committees, and develop work plans that help our community use the Main Street Four-Points Approach to revitalize our community. To guide our work, our community has used demographics and data, community input, and public meetings to develop our Tourism Transformation Strategy.

Mr. Gayle Cooper, President (2026)
Dr. Tracy Owens, Secretary/Treasurer (2025)
Ms. Linda Saksa, Director (2026)
Dr. Freda Hardison, Director (2025)
Ms. Linda Havner, Director (2024)
Ms. My Kim Simons, Director
Clerk, City of Calico Rock
Mr. Steven Mitchell, Director
Chairman, Calico Rock Community Foundation
Ms. Gloria Sanders, Ex-Officio
Executive Director

Main Street Calico Rock By Laws

Transformation Strategy

Main Street Calico Rock Map

Reach out to us to join our community’s efforts or learn more about our work in Calico Rock!

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